The medicine is you
The medicine is you
Your mind doesn´t know who you are. It´s limited and is showing you a reflection of yourself, and the world, through the filters of old stories and beliefs. What you are are so much bigger than your mind could ever dream up!
But what your mind thinks you are – you create. It´s projected into your life, your relationships, your career and how you move through your days. Your unconscious beliefs and agreements about yourself and your surrounding are creating your life – without you noticing it.
But, life has something more for you. Within your body lies vibrating clues and deep wisdom ready to reconnect and guide you back home. It knows what you really are and your being´s deepest desires.
Are you ready to listen?
Which path is calling your name ?
Which path is
Hey, I feel you.
7 years ago I woke up to a version of me that I didn´t recognize. I felt completely disconnected from myself and what I wanted. I felt aimless, unsatisfied and the bubbly excitement in my belly, that I used to wake up with every morning as a kid, was long gone. The life I´d somewhat mysteriously created for myself felt like a huge burden that I now had to carry on my delicate shoulders and needed to figure out in order to survive.

That day was the first day of the beginning of my journey back home to me. Since then, I´ve met with my shadows, let go of the limited and deceitful beliefs that my life was built upon, and reconnected to the one underneath; me.

My deep felt experiences are now wisdom that I share with others. Like a bridge between the version you are now and the potential you that waits for your arrival, I´m inviting you to get real and intimate with your human, to fiercely meet the version of you that exists today and explore the boundless possibilities life has to offer you.
The conscious embodied way is a path that leads you back home to you, to wholeness. It brings you back to your authentic human expression, connects you with your senses and unlocks the potential to live a conscious, embodied life fueled by your wildest desires and dreams.
This is the wild, raw journey of discovering what you really are. I feel you and now it´s time for you to feel yourself too.
With Love, Cecilia
Hey, I feel you.
7 years ago I woke up to a version of me that I didn´t recognize. I felt completely disconnected from myself and what I wanted. I felt aimless, unsatisfied and the bubbly excitement in my belly, that I used to wake up with every morning as a kid, was long gone. The life I´d somewhat mysteriously created for myself felt like a huge burden that I now had to carry on my delicate shoulders and needed to figure out in order to survive.
I had no clue how I ended up here or what decisions I´d made that brought me to this place. The one thing that was abundantly clear was what the sensation in my body, that I´d consciously ignored over the past years, was now screaming inside. It was telling me to drop everything I was doing and face my truth.

That day was the first day of the beginning of my journey back home to me. Since then, I´ve met with my shadows, let go of the limited and deceitful beliefs that my life was built upon, and reconnected to the one underneath; me.

My deep felt experiences are now wisdom that I share with others. Like a bridge between the version you are now and the potential you that waits for your arrival, I´m inviting you to get real and intimate with your human, to fiercely meet the version of you that exists today and explore the boundless possibilities life has to offer you.
I am here to guide you beyond your minds limitations, mirror you in your radiant potential and show your nervous system that it´s safe to reconnect and come home to your body again.
The conscious embodied way is a path that leads you back home to you, to wholeness. It brings you back to your authentic human expression, connects you with your senses and unlocks the potential to live a conscious, embodied life fueled by your wildest desires and dreams.
This is the wild, raw journey of discovering what you really are. I feel you and now it´s time for you to feel yourself too.
With Love, Cecilia
Conscious Embodiment
Gently close your eyes and allow your attention to shift inward. Let everything else outside yourself slowly drift away for a moment. Allow your attention to drop into the body and rest here together with your breath. Can you feel yourself? Can you feel your own presence here?
This is the start of the journey home to your Conscious Embodiment. This is where the beginning of your inward journey takes off, out of the limited mind and into the boundless realm within your body.

During your inward exploration you will move through a Conscious embodiment process where you get to explore your present life through feeling, sensing, and experiencing instead of your mind’s preprogrammed and limited concepts of you.
You will meet the parts of yourself that have been lurking in the shadows. You will discover icky patterns, alchemize limiting beliefs which have been holding you back your whole life, and let go of fears which have paralyzed you from stepping off your safe island and fully exploring life. You will dive into the depths and nuances of yourself, learning the different languages of you, and how you can use them to navigate your life. Underneath the shadows and fears, you will discover that your deepest desires, longings and dreams never left you.
This is where you find the answers you´ve been searching for so long outside of yourself. This is where you will find your own inner compass to guide you home and connect to the conscious embodiment of you.
Cecilia exudes love, light, and positivity, and cares deeply about her clients and helping them to achieve their best outcomes. In this space of love, the two of you working together, are able to explore your mindset, resistance, and your limiting beliefs in a delightful way.
”In this extraordinary space of love, it is very easy to let go of what is not serving you and experience yourself as Your Self, and come to know who you really are.”
Thank you for healing yourself and growing and having the courage to face your own issues so that you can be this wonderful person who can help me and many others.
Ceremony Integration

Life´s sacred moments are inviting you to step into bigger potential for healing and transformation.
After a sacred ceremony you are returning home like a somewhat new version of yourself. You have gone through an alchemical transformation and something big has shifted inside. You are no longer the same ’you’ as before. But with the big inner shifts, feelings of confusion and fear also arise. Fears about what to do with the new you and how this change will affect your life from now on.
The ceremony is the spark that cracks you open, but how you receive and integrate your experience will determine what impact that event will have on your life.
Ceremony is a celebration of now, an honouring of every moment. The shifts, deep insights, and wisdoms are here to guide you deeper into being fully embodied in your life.
I believe that it is vital to work with a skilled coach to integrate the experience after the ceremony.
”From our session together I can see how the ceremony was amazing at showing a person what is incomplete for them and holding them back. Not just in visions but for me it reflected my fears and insecurities into my whole experience of the ceremony. Amazing.”
GL , U.S
The ceremony can give you an experience, and perhaps one is greatly healed by that alone but there is likely a lot of the visions and experience that is valuable that one might miss. There is symbolism in all of the aspects that one experiences and to have someone other than yourself review and identify this information and apply it to you and your life patterns is a vital part of the healing being offered by the ceremony itself.
´I am content to just be myself. I’ve realised that there is nothing I need to do, or prove in order to feel love´

The journey home to conscious embodiment
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