'Ceremony is A celebration of now, an honouring of the present moment'

After a sacred ceremony at a retreat or conscious workshop you are returning home like a new version of yourself. You have gone through an alchemical transformation and even if you can´t fully comprehend what you´ve been through just yet, you feel something big has shifted inside. You are no longer the same you as before. But with big inner shifts, feelings of confusion and fear also arise. Confusion about what you´ve been through and fears about what to do with the new you and how it will affect your life from now on. 


The profound shifts and insights from sacred ceremonies are not just here to transform and leave you stranded. The ceremony is the spark that cracks you open, and the integration of your experience is what will determine the impact this event will have on your life from here.

Ceremony Integration

Ceremony Integration is a part of the transformation process which supports us to fully feel and integrate the insights and shifts we received through sacred ceremonies.
The process begins before the ceremony takes place and prepare us and our bodies to receive the experience. It then stretches through the ceremony and continues throughout the following weeks and months after.
The integration process is providing a deep-rooted support for the participant´s experience and allows the retreat leaders' transformational work to be fully integrated and embodied after the retreat.


Why prepare before ceremonies?

Embodied preparation and strengthening your intention supports you and your body to receive the ceremony so you will get the most out of your transformational experience. It will give you tools on how to regulate your nervous system, show you how to meet and move challenging sensations in the body which might arise, and guide you to set up a safe container for yourself when moving into the experience.

1:1 support at the ceremony

Why individual support during the ceremony?

The individual support which takes place during the retreat experience is focused on supporting the participants’ individual process, meeting and allowing emotions and sensations to move through your body. All while feeling supported and held.


The 1:1 embodiment support is complementary to the group ceremonies and teachings at the retreat, allowing the facilitators to focus on the teachings and holding the group energy.


Why Integrate after the ceremony? 

Integration after a sacred ceremony is equal as important as the ceremony itself. The integration is focused on giving your experience more space to be felt, integrated and translated into your daily life.


In the 1:1 sessions together we will have a safe and supportive container for you to share and move through your ceremony experience in your own pace. You will be invited to revisit insights and challenging moments, meet emotions and potential resistances related to your experience. and create a supportive action plan based on your new insights. 



The integration period afterwards will allow you to process your experience, remain open to receiving more insights and give you deep-rooted and long lasting changes.


Integration packages

For facilitators and participants at conscious retreats

Facilitators and

Retreat leaders

Integration Exclusive

꧁ Prep Group Session 

→ 1 X 60-minute Embodiment Group Session

→ Connect to your intention 

→ Tailor made safe up protocol

꧁ 1:1 Embodiment Coaching

→ 60-minute sessions for individual support during the retreat and in between ceremonies.




** Either included in the retreat price or added as an extra service for participants  

꧁ Integration Session

→ 3 x 90-minute sessions after the ceremony
→ Embodiment practises and meditations to support your body´s integration
→ Embodied plan of intent based on your new insights

1:1 Embodiment Coaching

꧁ 1 : 1 Embodiment Coaching

→ 60-minute sessions  for individual support during the retreat and in between ceremonies.

** Either included in the retreat price or added as an extra service for participants  

Ceremony Integration

꧁ 1 : 1 Integration sessions

→ 3 x 90-minute sessions after the ceremony
→ Embodiment practises and meditations to support your body´s integration
→ Embodied plan of intent based on your new insights

I am a facilitator…


Ceremony integration

꧁ 1 : 1 Integration sessions

→ 3 x 90-minute sessions after the ceremony
→ Embodiment practises and meditations to support your body´s integration
→ Embodied plan of intent based on your new insights

I´ve been to a retreat…

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꧁ Embodiment Group Sessions

90 minute conscious movement, sounding, stroking and breathing to meet and move the sensations and feelings in our bodies