

Tami´s experience from the masculine and feminine dynamic sessions

Cecilia’s deep, warm, and nurturing presence is a remarkable energy to experience. In my coaching session with her, she brought the acceptance, compassion, and open-heartedness of her feminine with the strength, groundedness, and support of her masculine to create a container in which I felt safe enough to finally begin to crack open and explore the needs of my feminine, which I had long been repressing out of fear. I felt fully held and enveloped in love, and unconditionally cared for.

Cecilia posed insightful questions for me to reflect on in the following days and offered practices that would help me strengthen my masculine and create the safety for my feminine to begin expressing herself. She suggested ways that I could be supported by my own masculine and also by other people’s masculines, which was eye-opening for me.

I’ve had many coaches and therapists over the years, but none of them have had a presence that made me feel so secure, or left me with a feeling of peace afterwards. Cecilia has a gift of imbuing her words, her silence, and her energy in deep love and understanding that I wish everyone could get to experience at least once.