Coming home to conscious embodiment

The early years of an unconscious embodied life

Most of us live our lives from the mind or, more accurately, through the filters of our mind. 

You see, since the moment you started to interact with the world around you when you were a child, your mind has been correcting and adjusting your interactions with it.


When we are born we are human beings having experiences, without being conscious of ourselves or being consciously aware of what is happening. We are living through the expressions of the different parts of us as one whole being. We have thoughts, emotions, physical and energetic sensations. We are experiencing them, and expressing them freely, before we move on to the next one. If we have an allowing and supportive environment around us we can keep having these experiences unconsciously, letting go and moving on. If the feedback from the environment around us is starting to limit our expressions by not allowing, punishing, or judging our expressions – our mind starts to create programs so we will fit better into the environment. 


These ’mind programs’ are held together by beliefs we hold about ourselves and our surroundings. They are unconsciously accepted as truths from our mind and are put safely in the unconscious within us, where they begin to discretely run our lives. 


To ponder; What kind of environment did I grow up in? What adjustments did I have to make to fit in?

The birth of self-consciousness and
the ego mind

To ponder; What kind of identities have you created over the years and what has inspired you to create them?

As we become older we start to create an awareness of ourselves and our place in the world. We start to build an identity and the ego mind is formed. It´s a limited form of self awareness about ’you’ and your place in the world. During our teenage years this self awareness and identity becomes important. Our identity is ’who we are’ and we are constantly looking for ways to reflect our ever-changing insides with an image and identity that we present to the world outside.

’So, the ego mind is not good for us ?’ you might wonder. Well…  I don´t see the ego mind itself as a ’bad’ thing, since it is a natural process we humans go through.
But if we get stuck in this limited state of self consciousness where we are only aware of ourselves and the surroundings from our minds perspective, the life we are living will be limited too. Our life will be a direct reflection of the beliefs our mind is holding.


Many of us do get stuck in this state and are putting a lot of energy to reinforce and strengthen our identity, growing our ego through our career, our experience at school, our interests, possessions and strong beliefs. But, if we manage to increase our awareness beyond the the ego mind and our identifications we can start to experience more of life and a whole new world of possibilities start opening up. 

We are not just our mind and the identity it has created, even though our mind likes to remind us of the opposite. 
As human beings we have a whole body of depths, parts, and wisdom to experience life from and they all want to come out and play!

Growing into a conscious embodied life

If we keep growing our self awareness beyond our ego mind we will start to unlock other ways of being and receiving life. We will start tuning into a life where we can notice ourselves, and the world, being in connection, and how we are constantly relating to each other.


We start to be conscious of what´s been hiding in the unconscious. We see how our mind has been separating itself from the rest of us and been living and receiving life from only one part of us.


We can learn from our time as children, before our expressions were limited and before we had built an identity. When we were free without knowing it, unconsciously embodied. Reconnecting to early memories of yourself when you felt free, and were waking up with an excitement of what life would bring that day, can remind you and your body of how it felt to live an embodied life.

The conscious embodied life is grown into. The journey takes us from the early life of unconscious expressions, moves through increasing awareness of ourselves and the ego mind, and arrives home to the matured conscious embodiment. We can live a expansive life, and we can create a completely different experience of it when we are growing consciousness beyond the limitations of our minds.

When we include our whole being and the resources we have been given to live and receive life.

To ponder: What are your earliest memories of freedom and being carefree?

The embodied vision

Creating a conscious embodied life is about integrating all the parts that the human you are has to offer. 

I mean, if you had more colors on your pallet to paint with – why on earth wouldn´t you use them all in the art your are creating? Your artwork becomes as colorful and vivid as the paint you use, and that goes for the artwork of your life too.


So instead of separating them, or using a limited version of them, we are using all the available tools that we have to create and experience life with. They are connected and are working together. The mind is no longer the master of the body, rather, they are working in symbiosis, in harmony, with each other.


With a conscious embodiment you will start to live a life beyond the limitations of your mind, living and receiving from all parts of youThis way of being and interacting with ourselves is going to ripple out to the environment around us, society, and Earth. You will start to see that you are one with earth, just like your mind are one with your body. You will see that you are not just the main event happening on earth. 


No longer will we ourselves above the Earth. We will not see ourselves as the head that sits atop Earth’s body. We will value the resources, and integrate the wisdom, of the planet.

This will be a ’larger than life’ kind of life. A life your mind, and the collective ego of human species, couldn´t imagine was possible.