Hey, I feel you.
7 years ago I woke up to a version of me that I didn´t recognize. I felt completely disconnected from myself and what I wanted. I felt aimless, unsatisfied and the bubbly excitement in my belly, that I used to wake up with every morning as a kid, was long gone. The life I´d somewhat mysteriously created for myself felt like a huge burden that I now had to carry on my delicate shoulders and needed to figure out in order to survive.
I had no clue how I ended up here or what decisions I´d made that brought me to this place. The one thing that was abundantly clear was what the sensation in my body, that I´d consciously ignored over the past years, was now screaming inside. It was telling me to drop everything I was doing and face my truth.
That day was the first day of the beginning of my journey back home to me. Since then, I´ve met with my shadows, let go of the limited and deceitful beliefs that my life was built upon, and reconnected to the one underneath; me.
My deep felt experiences are now wisdom that I share with others. Like a bridge between the version you are now and the potential you that waits for your arrival, I´m inviting you to get real and intimate with your human, to fiercely meet the version of you that exists today and explore the boundless possibilities life has to offer you.
I am here to guide you beyond your minds limitations, mirror you in your radiant potential and show your nervous system that it´s safe to reconnect and come home to your body again.
The conscious embodied way is a path that leads you back home to you, to wholeness. It brings you back to your authentic human expression, connects you with your senses and unlocks the potential to live a conscious, embodied life fueled by your wildest desires and dreams.
This is the wild, raw journey of discovering what you really are. I feel you and now it´s time for you to feel yourself too.