A direct experience of life
Our mind is constantly looking for information, knowledge and wisdom outside itself. It wants to know everything about life so it can adjust you to meet the world the 'right' way.
With your mind constantly trying to gather information about life you can end up in the sofa for the rest of your life, learning everything about life without actually having to experiencing anything yourself. You will learn a story about life, a concept of what life is, without a direct experience of life itself. Life will be experienced through others’ experiences.
You don´t need any book, lesson or knowledge from someone else. All you need is your own, direct experience of life. The experiences of life will give you wisdom about yourself and the world around you, if you choose to receive the information it is sending you.
When get get yourself out of the sofa and the concept of life, you will meet life itself. You will step in to the flow of life, getting your own experiences, learning what feels good to you and how you connect to YOUR life.
Practice to be fully present with experiences in your life. What are the different parts of you experiencing and what are you, as a whole being, experiencing?
1. Close your eyes and dream up a situation in your life. Choose a daily situation that you often find yourself in. Like going to the grocery store or going for a walk in nature.
2. Dream how it would be to do this. Feel yourself doing it, experiencing it as vividly as you can.
3. Journal about the experience. How you felt and what you received through your senses.
4. Now, come out from the dreaming and go out to explore the situation you dreamed up, in reality.
Go to the grocery store/the stroll in nature.
5. Experience it with all your senses. Practice being present while you are doing this. Pay attention to what is going on in your body and how you are interacting with your surrounding.
6. When you come home, journal about this direct, felt experience. What did you feel and what did you notice in your body and around you?
7. Finally, compare these two experiences. Were there any differences between the two?
Journal or share your discoveries in the comments below,
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