How observing your inner world will support a conscious, embodied life
When you become the observer and put your attention on the unexplored parts of your being, your awareness will expand and start to give you a sense of what is truly going on, without the interference from the ego mind.
Observing yourself and the different parts of you will give you a chance to step out from your ego mind and meet yourself without the filters that you normally see yourself, and the world, through. Without the judging voices or the victim´s stories.
Getting to know your whole being´s inner world, exploring the processes within you, your mind, emotional body and unconscious programs, is going to expand your awareness to experience yourself beyond your mind. Exploring yourself from the observer will grow your awareness of all the resources you have to offer. It will show you how much of you there is to live from and invite you to drop down into the body and start embodying the whole being that you are with awareness.
Notice how you move through life, observe what is going on in your mind, what´s alive inside your emotional, physical and energetic body. What thoughts, feelings and sensations in your body can you notice? And can you notice anything happening when you put your attention on them?
Notice them, one sensation at a time, and then shift your perspective to notice the area of sensations in those parts of your body. Keep extending the container and noticing more of you as a whole until you are zoomed out and experience yourself as one whole being containing everything that is alive inside you.
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