Meeting and holding yourself through feeling Meeting your emotions is meeting the past versions of yourself. It´s meeting your wounds and your way through them. It will give you a sense of understanding for the being you are today, a sense of the wholeness of you. We are taught that we ’shouldn´t rely on ourFortsätt läsa ”Emotions are not leaving until they are felt”
Your direct, felt experience of life
A direct experience of life Our mind is constantly looking for information, knowledge and wisdom outside itself. It wants to know everything about life so it can adjust you to meet the world the ’right’ way. With your mind constantly trying to gather information about life you can end up in the sofa forFortsätt läsa ”Your direct, felt experience of life”
Becoming the observer
How observing your inner world will support a conscious, embodied life When you become the observer and put your attention on the unexplored parts of your being, your awareness will expand and start to give you a sense of what is truly going on, without the interference from the ego mind. Observing yourself and theFortsätt läsa ”Becoming the observer”
Reconnecting to early memories of embodiment
Reconnecting to early memories of embodiment Connecting to past experiences from when you were a kid and without worries, can help you, and the body, remember how it felt to be free. When we are born we are having experiences, without being conscious of ourselves or being consciously aware of what is happening. We areFortsätt läsa ”Reconnecting to early memories of embodiment”
Sensing your Yes / No
Sensing and respecting the integrity of your Yes and No Your body has an intelligence much older than your mind and it will show you the way to the life you want to live, if you are ready to listen. We keep looking for the right answer outside ourselves, asking other people for advice andFortsätt läsa ”Sensing your Yes / No”
Exploring you as a wholeness
How you can start to explore yourself as one whole being A conscious embodied life is a life where you are experiencing yourself and the world as whole and in relation to each other. Instead of separating your body parts into something only being functional for one thing you can start to experience yourself asFortsätt läsa ”Exploring you as a wholeness”
Movement as a way into the body
Movement as a way into the body Moving with awareness is a way to feel and release your inner sensations without having to go through the resistance of the mind. The word ’dancing’ has been highjacked by the mind. It has created beliefs of what ’dance’ is, how it should look and feel like, andFortsätt läsa ”Movement as a way into the body”
The journey home to conscious embodiment
How to step into a life beyond your mind The early years of an unconscious embodied life Most of us live our lives from the mind or, more accurately, through the filters of our mind. You see, since the moment you started to interact with the world around you when you were a child, yourFortsätt läsa ”The journey home to conscious embodiment”