Sensing and respecting the integrity of your Yes and No
Your body has an intelligence much older than your mind and it will show you the way to the life you want to live, if you are ready to listen.
We keep looking for the right answer outside ourselves, asking other people for advice and copying people´s lives with the belief of ’what makes them happy, must make me happy too’. We are putting our attention everywhere else apart from within, on our own inner compass.
Your body knows where to go. It has a inbuilt compass, which can recognize how a yes and no feels, that will guide you to the life you are desperately trying to find outside of yourself.
Due to a detachment from the body we have numbed ourselves from picking up the signals it sends to us. The detachment from your body´s compass can happen in various ways. Maybe you have felt a yes in your body but never given yourself the permission to have your yeses. Or maybe you have felt a no and repeatedly disrespected your own integrity. Or you might have distracted yourself from meeting your yeses/nos over and over again so it´s been programmed to do other things than what it is actually trying to show you. It might be a deep pattern of mistrust between your mind/body that need to be restored in order for you to start connecting to your inner compass again.
Start to build that relationship slowly so your mind and body can grow into trusting and connecting to each other again. Give it time and practice to activate your inbuilt compass with small things in your daily life to begin with. Show it that you are including it in decisions you are making and that you respect the integrity of your body’s yeses/nos. As your body will restore the trust it will start to give you more clear signals and you can feel your yes/no stronger in your body. You wont have to ask others for advice in your decisions or search for the right answer outside of yourself anymore. This will be your own inner compass to guide you into the life you want to live.
Practice to feel what is a yes / no to your body. Give the yeses to yourself and respect your nos. Start to practice on simple stuff like, ”do I want this tea or this tea this morning?”. Or ”do I want to take this way or that way to work?”. Practice FEELING your body´s answer.
You will sense your Yeses as an openness, an expansive, tingling and exciting sensation or pull. No is usually felt like a numb, contracting, restrained or closed sensations in your body. Notice where in your body you are feeling the sensations and if your mind has any opinions about your yes/ no. Is it a clear yes / no or is it a yes..BUT! Notice the nuances of the answers your inner compass is giving you.
This source of guidance might be numbed if you haven´t connected to this part of yourself in a long time so give it time to practice and start with simple things and not your most life changing decisions. Hold space and let it take the time it needs to answer you.
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